For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Board of Trustees of the Town of La Jara duly elected or appointed as the governing body of the town and its respective successors in office.
   FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Volunteer Fire Department of the Town of La Jara and also the Volunteer Fire Department of the Northwest Conejos Fire Protection District.
   GREASE TRAP. A device in which the grease content of sewage is intercepted and congealed, and from which grease may be skimmed or otherwise removed for proper disposal.
   MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR. The town employee who is primarily responsible for the maintenance and repair of the physical assets of the town, whether located within or without the town’s incorporated limits, such to include, but not limited to, the water and sewer operations and any property or appliances constituting or being a part of such water and sewer system, buildings, storage facilities incidental to said water and sewer systems. The term shall also include any employee of the town under the direct control and supervision of the primary MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR.
   PERSON. In addition to a natural person, shall include, when the context requires, legal entities such as, but not limited to, corporations, limited liability companies and other fictitious legal entities.
   SAND TRAP or MUD TRAP. A device in which the sand and/or mud content of sewage is intercepted, allowed to settle therein, and from which sand and/or mud may be removed for proper disposal.
   TOWN CLERK. The Clerk, and if applicable, the Assistant Clerk or their respective successors appointed by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
   TOWN SEWER SYSTEM. The waste water collection system constructed by the town and all of its incidental facilities as may be modified, replaced or expanded from time to time.
   TOWN WATER SYSTEM. The water works constructed by the town and used to supply the town and its inhabitants and commercial business establishments with water from its municipal wells and all of its incidental facilities as may be modified, replaced or expanded from time to time.
   WASHRACK. Any facility, structure or device that is plumbed to the town’s sanitary sewer system, the purpose of which is to collect vehicle wash water or wash water the source of which is from any commercial activity, such as, but not limited to, the washing of vegetables in sorting and packing operations.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 8-24-2006)