§ 33.18 MEETINGS.
   (A)   Committees shall have regular meeting schedules. Committees shall meet not less than once monthly unless a meeting is cancelled. Meetings may be cancelled or rescheduled due to lack of a quorum or lack of adequate business to discuss, with notice of such cancellation or rescheduling posted as would be done for regular meetings.
   (B)   The minutes of each meeting of all committees, whether permanent or temporary, shall be made and kept. Such minutes shall be a record of the proceedings. In addition to the minutes, all agendas, reports, and other papers and transactions of all committees shall be filed with the Town Clerk and retained in accordance with town procedures as well as state law on retention of public records. Copies of minutes shall be provided to the Board of Trustees, as well as other reports and documents as appropriate from time to time.
(Ord. 2021-4, passed 3-17-2021)