The following rules of procedure and order of business shall be adhered to by the Board of Trustees at its meetings, unless it shall be temporarily suspended by a unanimous vote of the members present.
(A) Rule 1. The Town Police Chief shall serve all notices of special meetings and shall attend all meetings of the Board.
(B) Rule 2. On the passage of every ordinance and every resolution or order to enter into a contract or for the appropriation of money, the yeas and nays shall be called and recorded, if any two members demand it.
(C) Rule 3. Appointments to offices not elected shall be by ballot of the Board of Trustees and the vote of a majority of the members present shall be required.
(D) Rule 4. The following order of business shall be observed:
(1) Roll call;
(2) Reading of minutes of the last regular meeting and subsequent special meetings and approving the same;
(3) Reports of officers;
(4) Reports of standing committees;
(5) Reports of special committees;
(6) Reading and allowance of bills;
(7) Petition and other communications;
(8) Unfinished business; and
(9) New business.
(E) Rule 5.
(1) Standing committees shall be appointed by the Mayor at the first regular meeting after the election for a term of two years, and the person first named on the committee shall be Chairperson thereof.
(2) The standing committees shall be as follows:
(a) Finance Committee;
(b) Police Committee;
(c) Fire Department Committee;
(d) Health and Sanitation Committee;
(e) Streets, Alleys and Sewers Committee; and
(f) Civic Improvements and Buildings Committee.
(3) Such other committees as the Board of Trustees shall deem necessary may be appointed from time to time.
(F) Rule 6. Debates: no member shall speak more than twice on the same general question or more than once on a previous question without the leave of a majority of the Board nor more than once in any case until every member shall have had an opportunity to speak. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be undebatable. General proceedings shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order.
(Ord. 106, passed 5-4-1954)