(A)   A short-term rental license may be suspended or revoked by administrative order of the Town Manager or his or her designee when: it appears that the license was obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or false statements within the application; upon failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the short-term rental license, including, but not limited to, failure to designate a responsible agent available to respond to short-term rental unit complaints within one hours; failure to operate the short-term rental unit business in compliance with health, safety, noise, and nuisance ordinances of the town; failure to provide parking and trash recycling removal in compliance with this chapter; failure to list the short-term term rental license number in advertisements for the unit; failure to post the information in the short-term rental unit as required by this chapter.
   (B)   When the owners fails to pay or collect and remit taxes as required by this chapter, including, but not limited to, taxes imposed by local, state, or federal taxing agencies.
   (C)   When the owner fails to pay utility fees or charges.
   (D)   When any activity conducted by the owner, his or her responsible agent, or short-term rental guest violates any federal, state or local rule, regulation or law.
   (E)   In pursuance of enforcement of this chapter, the Town Manager is empowered to cause any short-term rental unit to be inspected and examined.
   (F)   In lieu of suspension or revocation, or as a condition of restoration of licensure, the Town Manager may impose new or additional terms, requirements, conditions, or limitations on a short-term rental license.
   (G)   In lieu of suspension or revocation, the Town Manager may request and the owner may pay an administrative fine in an amount at the Town Manager's sole discretion, up to $500 per offense.
   (H)   The owner may appeal an administrative order suspending or revoking a short-term rental license within ten business days after the date the notice was provided by the town to the owner or responsible agent. The appeal shall be made in writing to the town and shall describe the basis of the appeal. If owner requests an opportunity to be heard, the Town Manager shall schedule either an in-person or telephonic hearing and provide notice of the hearing to the owner. After considering an appeal, including conducting a requested hearing, the Town Manager will make a final determination within a reasonable time to suspend or revoke a short-term rental license, and such determination shall be considered to be a final order subject to review under Rule 106 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure.
(Ord. 2020-1, passed 1-9-2020)