For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED. Leaving behind a dog alone or permitting the dog to be deserted in circumstances which would cause the dog to fend for itself and have no human to control or to take care of it. A person commits the crime of dog ABANDONMENT if the person, knowingly, unknowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence leaves a dog at a location without providing minimum care and control of the dog.
   DOG. Any animal of the canine species, regardless of sex.
   DOG, CASTRATED MALE. Any male dog on which alternative surgery of the genital organs has been performed by a licensed veterinarian so that such dog is no longer capable of reproducing.
   DOG, FEMALE. Any dog of the female gender on which no alternative surgery of the genital organs has been performed.
   DOG, MALE. Any dog of masculine gender, not castrated.
   DOG, SPAYED FEMALE. Any female dog on which an ovariectomy or ovarohysterectomy has been performed by a licensed veterinarian.
   HARBORING. The occupant of any premises on which a dog is kept or to which it customarily returns for food and care is presumed to be HARBORING or keeping the dog within the meaning of this chapter.
   OWNER. Every person in possession of or who harbors or keeps any dog or who shall suffer any dog to remain about his or her premises.
   RUNNING AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner and not under control of the owner or an authorized person, either by leash, chain or cord not to exceed ten feet in length. A dog within the automobile or other vehicle of its owner shall be deemed to be upon the owner’s premises.
   VACCINATION, INOCULATION or VACCINATION FOR RABIES. The inoculation of the dog with vaccine approved by the State Department of Health for use in the prevention of rabies.
   VICIOUS DOG. Any dog that inflicts unprovoked bites or otherwise attacks any person, either on public or private property; acts in a vicious or terrorizing manner, or in apparent attitude of attack; approaches any person in such manner when said dog is upon the streets, sidewalks or any public ground or place within the town. Any dog that bites or attacks a person who is unlawfully trespassing upon, breaking into or otherwise destroying or defacing its owner’s property shall be deemed to be provoked within the meaning of this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-7, passed 11-13-2014)