A licensee shall, in addition to other requirements of this chapter, comply with the minimum standards of this section.
   (A)   All horses shall be provided with daily food and water, free from contamination. The food shall be wholesome, palatable, and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the horse.
   (B)   (1)   Licensed horses under this chapter shall be exempt from the prohibition of farm animals under § 90.09. No stabling or pasturing of horses shall be allowed within the city limits, without a special permit from the Code Enforcement Officer.
      (2)   The licensee shall not permit any horse or horses to be kept, maintained, stored, or remain inside the limits of the city between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m., unless a horse trailer permit is issued by the Code Enforcement Officer.
   (C)   All horses used in the horse-drawn vehicle business must have a veterinarian examination not more than six months old affirming the general good health of the horse, having sufficient body weight and strength to pull the carriage, with no lameness, open sores or nasal discharge. The veterinary records must provide proof of coggins, vaccinations, and certificate of good health.
   (D)   Horses shall be properly shod with four rubber compound type horseshoes, borium shoes, or similar nonslip-type shoes that are a proper fit to keep the animal from slipping on the pavement. The hooves shall be kept trimmed.
   (E)   Horses shall be kept clean and in particular, the areas in contact with the harness or other tack.
   (F)   Horses shall not be worked more than two hours without being given a cumulative total of 30 minutes of rest. The maximum working period for any one horse shall be eight hours out of every 24 hours.
   (G)   The speed at which any horse is driven shall not exceed a slow trot.
   (H)   No horse shall be over-ridden or driven to result in overheating or exhaustion.
   (I)   Horses shall be provided water at the loading site and on routes at all times that they are working.
   (J)   All harnesses and bridles shall be kept oiled and clean so as to be soft at all times.
   (K)   All harnesses will be properly fitted and maintained, and kept free of makeshift-like wire, sisal rope, and rusty chain.
   (L)   No horse is to be worked with equipment causing an impairment of vision other than normal blinders.
   (M)   No one horse shall ever pull more than eight adult passengers. No carriage shall be overloaded with more passengers than there are seats. No person shall hang on or upon the outside of the carriage.
   (N)   Unsanitary conditions shall not be permitted to be present on any town route, horse rest area or any area where the horses are kept. All these areas shall be kept clean and free of conditions which might harbor or be conducive to the breeding of insects or rodents.
   (O)   No horse shall be subject to any cruel or harassing treatment, including any violation of the mandatory rest periods, feeding and watering schedules, and workload limits established pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 3-2023, passed 5-1-2023) Penalty, see § 120.99