Owners of horse-drawn vehicle businesses shall apply to the city for a license to use the public streets of the city. Each carriage and horse must have a permit issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. The owners shall supply the city with the following:
   (A)   A description of each horse to be used in this business.
   (B)   A description of each vehicle to be used and its seating capacity.
   (C)   The names of all persons other than the applicant who will operate or control any of the horses, vehicles, or other property used in the business.
   (D)   The proposed routes for the owner's vehicles, the hours of operation, and the station or office from which the vehicles shall be operated; all of which shall be approved by the city Code Enforcement Officer.
   (E)   When deciding to approve or deny the proposed routes the Code Enforcement Officer shall take into account those factors which are in the best interest of the city, including but not limited to, public health and safety, traffic flow, damage to roadways and infrastructure, waste management, and animal care.
   (F)   A copy of an approved insurance policy and indemnity bond. The insurance policy shall provide liability insurance coverage, defense and indemnity of the city for injury to persons or property, including death of individuals or animals, in accidents resulting from any causes for which the driver or owner of the horse-drawn vehicle business would be liable on account of liability imposed on them by law in the minimum amount of $1,000,000, where the city shall be listed as an additionally named insured.
(Ord. 3-2023, passed 5-1-2023) Penalty, see § 120.99