(A) The Treasurer/Bookkeeper shall have the charge of and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the city; and give receipts for money due and payable to the city from any source whatsoever and deposit all such monies in the name of the city in such banks, trust companies and other depositories as shall be selected by the City Council; pay on behalf of the city all obligations as shall be selected by the City Council and in general to perform all duties incident to the office of City Treasurer/Bookkeeper and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to said Treasurer/Bookkeeper by the City Council, the Mayor, by statute or the personnel policies adopted by the City Council.
(B) The Treasurer/Bookkeeper shall also prepare and mail all tax bills of the city; shall collect all taxes enacted by the City Council and account therefore and in general perform all duties incident to the collection of taxes with the city. The Treasurer/Bookkeeper is authorized to sue in the name of the city to collect delinquent taxes.
(C) The office of Treasurer/Bookkeeper may be held by the same person as holds the office of Clerk or Deputy Clerk.
(D) The Treasurer/Bookkeeper shall take the oath set forth in § 228 of the Kentucky Constitution.
(E) The Treasurer/Bookkeeper shall execute an official bond in favor of the city in the amount of $10,000.
(F) The Treasurer/Bookkeeper shall be paid an annual salary as passed in the annual budget ordinance for the city.
(Ord. 19-97, passed 10-8-1997)