(A)   The city does hereby adopt the following statement of policy for domestic violence to be utilized by the City Police Department in responding to domestic violence complaints and calls.
   (B)   It is the policy of the Police Department to recognize domestic violence as a crime and to provide all domestic violence calls with a high priority response. In determining the appropriate course of action in domestic abuse cases, the primary concern of the officer is the protection of all from further acts of abuse.
   (C)   It is the policy of the Police Department to effect arrest as the preferred response to domestic violence crime. The Police Department will actively utilize the arrest powers granted by the Kentucky General Assembly when the elements of an offense are present.
   (D)   It is the policy of the City Police Department to report all known or suspected cases of domestic violence and abuse (both adult/child) to the local Cabinet for Human Resources, Department for Social Services, within 48 hours regardless of whether or not an arrest is made or a complaint taken. The JC-3 (child abuse, childhood sexual assault or abuse as defined in KRS 413.249, adult abuse, and domestic abuse standard report) shall be completed and copies forwarded with all pertinent reporting information to the agency’s central records and the local Department for Social Services.
(KRS 209.030(2); KRS 620.030(2); KRS 403.785(1); KRS 15A.190)
   (E)   It is the policy of the City Police Department to respond with the same protection and sanctions for every domestic violence incident including cases involving law enforcement officers, public officials and prominent citizens.
   (F)   It is the policy of the City Police Department that all law enforcement officers of the Department shall be required to complete Kentucky Law Enforcement Counsel/Approved Training in domestic violence issues.
(KRS 403.785(2))
(Ord. 3-91, passed 5-6-1991)