(A)   Any person making any excavation in any street in the town shall mark and designate such excavation by a light or lights placed at such excavation during all hours of darkness during the existence of the excavation.  Such light or lights shall be placed at the points where such excavation approaches the traveled portion of such street and it or they shall be kept burning during all hours of darkness. The type of light or lights to be used for this purpose is to be designated by the Town Council or designated representative or agent.
   (B)   Any person placing any obstruction in any street while constructing or repairing any building or other structure, or while improving or repairing the street, or in laying any conduits, wires, pipes, mains or sewers, shall make such obstruction during the hours of darkness which such obstruction exists by a light or lights so placed as to indicate the obstruction to any person passing along such street.
(2014 Code, § E1.3(2))  Penalty, see § 152.99