(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      FIRE DISTRICT. The normal fire protection district incorporated area covered by the town’s Fire Department.
      FIRE OFFICIAL. The Fire Chief or his or her designee.
      KEY BOX. A UL “Listed” box, size and style, approved by the Fire Official that meets the requirements and uses the same security key code adopted by the Fire Department.
      RESPONSIBLE PARTY. The person(s) charged with the responsibility for the occupancy, building or business owner.
      SECURITY CAP. A Fire Department connection (FDC) plug and cap approved for use in the town by the Fire Official utilizing the appropriate sized thread pattern.
      SECURITY PADLOCK. A padlock approved by the Fire Official that utilizes the approved key code utilized by the Fire Department.
   (B)   Application.
      (1)   Mandatory key boxes for fire suppression and standpipe systems. When a building within the Fire District is protected by an automatic fire suppression and/or standpipe system, it shall be equipped with a key box, installed at a location approved by the Fire Official.
      (2)   Mandatory key boxes for automatic alarm systems. When a building is protected by an automatic alarm system and or access to or within a building, or an area within that building, is unduly difficult because of secured openings, and where immediate access is necessary for life saving or firefighting purposes, it shall be equipped with a key box, to be installed at a location approved by the Fire Official.
      (3)   Mandatory storage cabinet. In occupancies storing or dispensing hazardous materials, a hazardous materials cabinet may be required. This cabinet will serve to store MSDS and other information as required.
      (4)   Automatic gates. When a property is accessed through a gate or cross arm that impedes ingress through required fire lanes by means of a key or swipe card, it shall be equipped with a key switch to be installed at a location approved by the Fire Official.
      (5)   Security padlock. When a property is protected by a locked fence or gate and where immediate access to the property is necessary for life saving and firefighting purposes, it shall be equipped with a security padlock to be installed at a location approved by the Fire Official. It shall then be the responsibility of the responsible party to see that the fence or gate is secured properly so that the security padlock is accessible.
      (6)   Construction sites.
         (a)   When a construction site is to be secured by a locked fence or gate, that site will fall under division (B)(5) above, during the duration of construction or until said fence or gate is removed.
         (b)   The security padlock will be obtained by placing a security deposit with the Clerk-Treasurer of the town in an amount set to cover replacement of security padlock should it be lost or damaged.
         (c)   Once the deposit has been made, a Fire Official will come to the construction site and explain the use of the security padlock.
         (d)   It shall then be the responsibility of the construction company to see that the fence or gate is secured properly so that the security padlock is accessible.
      (7)   Security of Fire Department connections. When a building is protected by an automatic sprinkler and/or standpipe system and the Fire Department connection is exposed to vandalism, the Fire Official may require that a security cap be installed.
      (8)   Non-applicability to particular dwellings. This section shall not apply to owner occupied one- and two-family dwellings. Owners of single- and two-family occupancies are encouraged to participate voluntarily utilizing a residential security box.
      (9)   Key box contents. The key boxes shall contain, but not be limited to the following items as designated by the Fire Official:
         (a)   Labeled keys to locked points of egress, whether in interior or exterior of such buildings;
         (b)   Labeled keys to the locked mechanical rooms;
         (c)   Labeled keys to any fence or secured areas not covered in divisions (B)(4), (B)(5) or (B)(6) above;
         (d)   Labeled keys to any other areas that may be required by the Fire Official;
         (e)   A card containing the emergency contact people and phone numbers for each occupancy;
         (f)   Floor plans of the rooms within the building may also be required, showing locations of shut offs; and
         (g)   Hazardous materials MSDS, as required.
      (10)   Alert decals. Alert decals, approved by the Fire Official, to alert fire companies of the presence of security features covered by this ordinance, will be displayed on any outside doors or windows as designated by the Fire Official.
      (11)   Compliance.
         (a)   All newly constructed buildings, not yet occupied or builds currently under construction and all buildings or businesses applying for a certificate of occupancy, and/or building permits will be required to comply with this section.
         (b)   The cost of purchasing and installing, along with any cost associated with implementation of the program at a specific property, will be born by the responsible party.
      (12)   Non-compliance.
         (a)   Non-compliance with this section will subject the responsible party to citations.
         (b)   Continued non-compliance may result in mandatory appearance in court.
      (13)   Return of keys. Four months following passage of this section, all keys currently in possession of the Fire Department will be returned to the responsible party.
(Ord. 2020-01-06, passed 1-6-2020)