No parking shall be allowed and signs shall be erected in the following zones and all motorists shall be obligated to operate their motor vehicle in such a manner so as not to violate same.
   (A)   No parking.
All alleys and sidewalks
No parking
Canal Street
-From Spring Street to Michigan Street, east side
-From North Street to Spring Street, west side
-From North Street to Nursery Street, both sides
-From Spring Street to Wayne Street, during the hours of 3:00 p.m. until midnight, west side
Central Avenue
From city limit to city limit, both sides
Detroit Street
-From Fenn Street to Central Avenue
-From Seymour Street to Central Avenue, both sides
East side, none
Fenn Street
-From Poplar Street to the North Fenn extension, south side
-From Fenn Street extension beginning at a point 732 feet east of poplar street and continuing along Fenn Street extension and along South Fenn Street, approximately 622 feet, to a point 639 feet south of Central Avenue, both sides
-From between Poplar Street, south side, and Detroit Street (S.R. 9)
Grant Street
-From Mountain Street to Sherman Street, north side
-From Sherman Street to Town Line Road, north side
Hawpatch Street
From Central Avenue to South Street, west side
High Street
The first parking space north of the alley running parallel between Spring Street and Lafayette Street located on the east side of High Street South of Spring Street
Hillside Drive
There shall be no parking on the west side of Hillside Drive
Lakeland Drive
West side, none
Michigan Street
-From Steuben Street to the basketball courts, both sides
-From Walnut to Canal Street, south side
Mountain Street
-From Central Avenue to the alley between Central Avenue and Lafayette Street, east side, west side
-From First Methodist Church from alley south to Lafayette Street, east side
Nursery Street
Orchard Hill Drive
Both sides, none
Pleasant Lane
South side, none
Poplar Street
-From Michigan to Spring Street, west side
-From south of Central Avenue (U.S. 20), both sides, and intersection with Detroit Street (S.R. 9)
Railroad Street
From Central Avenue to Fenn Street
Seymour Street
Sherman Street
From Central Avenue to Michigan Street, east side
Spring Street
-From Walnut Street to Canal Street, south side
-From Mountain Street to Town Line Road, north side
Town Line Road
Union Street
From alley south of grocery store parking lot to Hawpatch Street intersection, west side
Vine Street
From Central Avenue to Gum Street, south of Central Avenue, east side, none
Wayne Street
From High Street to Mountain Street, both sides
      (1)   All other streets and balance of town parking lots which are not listed above shall be designated as 24-hour parking limit.
      (2)   All vehicles must be must be parked in the same direction as the traffic lane flows adjacent to the parking space.
      (3)   Any person violating the provisions of this division (A) commits a Class C infraction and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount not to exceed $50, plus any and all attorneys’ fees and costs of collection.
   (B)   Restricted parking.
      (1)   Special parking regulations on streets in the town shall be designated as follows:
The first 4 parking spaces on Wayne Street west of the intersection with Poplar Street on the south side of the street
30-minute parking
First two spots on the north side of Michigan Street, from the alley west toward S.R. 9
Loading zone
The 2nd and 3rd parking spaces on the west side of High Street north of Michigan Street
1-hour parking
East Lafayette Street
From Detroit Street the first three parking spots on the south side
2-hour parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
High Street
From Michigan Street, from the alley immediately east of the County Office Building to High Street
30-minute parking
Lafayette Street
From S.R. 9 west to the first alley, north and south sides
2-hour parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Michigan Street
From Detroit Street to west side of locker building, north side
2-hour parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Michigan Street
From High Street, from the alley immediately north of the intersection with Michigan Street to Michigan Street
30-minute parking
Michigan Street
All parking spaces on the north side of Michigan Street between Detroit Street on the east and High Street on the west
30-minute parking
Poplar Street
From Lafayette north to first alley, east side
2-hour parking
Wayne Street
From Detroit Street to alley, north side
2-hour parking
Wayne Street East
South side, first four spaces
2-hour parking
      (2)   Any person violating the provisions of this division (B) commits a Class C infraction and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount not to exceed $50, plus any and all attorneys’ fees and costs of collection.
(2014 Code, § D1.2(2))  (Ord. 2014-9-2(b), passed 9-2-2014; Ord. 2017-04-17, passed 4-17-2017; Ord. 2018-6-4A, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 2019-9-3(a), passed 10-21-2019)