During the period of time that the tax levied by this chapter is collected, Council shall appropriate annually from other Municipal tax sources a sum not less than equal to the tax moneys derived from this chapter for recreational purposes, which may include funds required to be appropriated for recreational capital improvements. Such funds so appropriated shall be placed in the Recreation Tax Fund and shall be irrevocable and used for no purpose other than those established by this chapter. Any funds appropriated but not expended in any tax year shall be carried over into the next ensuing tax year and shall not diminish or relieve the appropriations required to be made under this section for any ensuing tax year. The Auditor and Treasurer of the Village are directed to create a Recreation Tax Fund and are further directed during each year that the Recreation Tax herein is collected, prior to returning any unencumbered recreation funds appropriated by Council to the General Fund at the close of the year, to transfer to the Recreation Tax Fund from General Fund moneys appropriated by Council a sum of money equal to the amount of money collected from the Recreation Tax after first deducting any other recreation expenditures made from General Fund money, it being the intention of Council that, during each year the Recreation Tax is in force, an amount equal to the moneys received from the Recreation Tax shall be irrevocably committed to recreation purposes from Village General Fund moneys. (Ord. 01-1064. Passed 12-27-01.)