Nothing in this Code shall be construed or interpreted so as to prevent persons from creating or maintaining a compost pile or piles for yard waste, provided such pile or piles are not stored in quantities or locations prohibited by any provision of this Chapter or by any other provision of these Codified Ordinances or the laws of the State. No such compost pile shall:
   (a)    Be visible from the public right of way.
   (b)    Constitute a public nuisance or a nuisance to abutting and adjoining properties by providing a breeding place for or attraction to vermin, mice, rats or insects.
   (c)    Emit a smell or odor which annoys or disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities or which endangers or injures real or personal property.
   (d)   Create any health or fire hazard.
   (e)    Be created or maintained in any front or side yard or located closer than five feet from any property line.
   (f)    Exceed one percent of the area of the lot or seventy-five square feet, whichever is less.
   (g)    Impede any natural watercourse or drainage from any property.
   (h)    Contain any meat products, dairy products, food oils or animal wastes. In addition, all such compost piles shall be enclosed by a barrier on all sides which shall not exceed four feet in height and must be fifteen feet from all dwellings.
      (Ord. 2022-2481. Passed 3-9-23.)