Pursuant to the authority vested under Ohio R.C. 124.391, there is hereby established a sick leave donation program applicable to all eligible village employees whereby any such employee may donate to any eligible village employee an amount of sick leave as designated by the donor employee.
   (a)   “Eligible village employee” means a person employed by the Village and who has used all of his or her accrued but unused sick leave and who is in need of additional accrued but unused sick leave due to such employee’s serious illness or the serious illness of such employee’s immediate family. Eligible employee does not mean an employee who is not otherwise eligible to accrued sick leave; and,
   (b)   “Serious illness” means a mental or physical condition which renders the afflicted eligible village employee or a member of such employee’s immediate family unable to perform the duties and functions of his or her job as otherwise determined by Council upon presentation of the evidence; and,
   (c)   “Immediate family” means an eligible village employee’s spouse, child, (natural or adopted), parent or sibling whether or not such person(s) resides with such employee. Immediate family shall also include any person other than an eligible village employee who has resided with such employee for a period in excess of six continuous months and upon whom such employee depends or to whom such employee provides financial, psychological and emotional support; and
   (d)   Sick leave donated hereunder shall be donated on an hour-for-hour basis without regard to the pay rate of the donor employee and shall be paid to the donee employee on the basis of such employee’s rate of pay, subject to all such deductions as are required by law; and,
   (e)   Donated sick time shall be limited to 240 hours in a 365 day period commencing with the first donated time. Donation of sick leave for more than two (2) consecutive working days shall require submission of a statement from the treating physician attesting to the seriousness and expected duration of the illness, or, in lieu therefore, a finding by Council, based upon the evidence, as to the seriousness of such condition; and,
   (f)   Upon recommendation of the donee employee’s supervisors, or in the case of the Chief of Police or the Village Administrator, upon recommendation of the Mayor, all requests for donation of sick leave shall require the approval of Council; and
   (g)   Council may establish from time to time such reasonable rules and regulations for the governance of the program created hereunder.
      (Ord. 2009-2183. Passed 9-24-09.)