1341.02 POLICY.
   It is the desire of Council and the Administration of the Village of LaGrange to provide for the residents of the Village a clean, healthy, safe and protected environment in which to live. There have been found to exist, within the Village, premises and structures, used for residential and non-residential purposes, that are substandard and that, as viewed, exhibit exterior structural deterioration, lack of maintenance, improper storage of equipment and supplies, the existence of fire hazards, and unsightly, filthy accumulations and unsanitary conditions which constitute a menace and threat to the health, safety, public welfare, comfort and well-being of the people of the Village. Because of the lack of property maintenance of the exterior of structures and premises, and permissive and progressive property deterioration, certain properties within the Village are creating blighting conditions and fostering an unsanitary and unsightly environment. Unless these blighting, deteriorating, unsanitary and unsightly conditions are curtailed, removed and prevented from occurring in the future, they will lead to the continuation, extension and aggravation of urban blight.
(Ord. 2022-2481. Passed 3-9-23.)