That the Village Administrator shall have those powers, duties and functions as provided under the general laws of the State of Ohio, and, in addition thereto, shall have the following powers, duties, and functions:
   (a)   Manage and supervise the water and sewage systems of the Village, and the collection of fees for those services including the making of by-laws and regulations, to the extent not repugnant to Municipal ordinances and resolutions, deemed necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of such water and sewage systems. The rates for services and charges for municipally owned utilities shall be determined by the legislative authority.
   (b)   Report semi-monthly at Council meetings on operation of utility services and advise Council on Capital Improvement needs of the systems when required.
   (c)   Manage and supervise the improvement and repair of streets, alleys, public lands, bridges, sidewalks, sewers, water lines, drains, ditches, culverts and water courses within the Village, including the lighting, sprinkling and cleaning of all streets, alleys and public buildings and places.
   (d)   Appoint to positions authorized by Council, after prior approval in writing by the Mayor, all officers, employees, agents, clerks and assistants and file said appointments in writing, together with the written approval of the Mayor, with the Clerk-Treasurer of the Village.
   (e)   Attend Planning Commission meetings to provide assistance when necessary.
   (f)   Corodinate compliance with state and federal safety regulations.
   (g)   Assist the Village Engineer and solicitor when necessary.
   (h)   Prepare applications for various grants and/or loans.
   (i)   Perform or cause to be performed such special tasks as may from time to time be assigned by the Council of the Village.
      (Ord. 911. Passed 6-27-96.)