(A)   Upon receipt of an application for re-zoning or zoning amendment by the City Clerk, a copy of the completed application shall be forwarded to the City Council for review and study.
   (B)   The City Council, or a delegation thereof, shall view the area being considered.
   (C)   The City Council shall, prior to making a decision on the application, consider the following:
      (1)   Would the granting of the request conform to the presently accepted future land use plans for the city as well as present land uses.
      (2)   Is it in the community’s best interest for additional land space to be zoned to the class requested.
      (3)   If it is in the community’s best interest for additional land to be zoned as requested, should the re-zoning be done in areas requested or would the community’s interest be better served if the re-zoning were done in other areas of the city.
      (4)   Would the granting of the re-zoning request adversely affect property values of adjacent landowners to an unreasonable degree.
      (5)   If the request was granted, what additional public services would be required.
      (6)   Is the capacity of existing roads and sewer and water facilities sufficient to accommodate this proposal.
      (7)   Was there an error or oversight in preparing the original zoning map which indicates that this zoning should have been included at that time.
      (8)   Is this change beneficial to the community or is it merely a convenience to the applicant.
   (D)   The City Council shall make written findings of fact supporting its decision, and it shall make a decision either granting or denying the application within 60 days of receiving a complete application.
(Ord. 143, passed 6-12-2023)