(A) Street setback: minimum of 25 feet.
(B) Lot line setback: minimum of ten feet, except where a multi-family dwelling of three units or more abuts to R1 Zone, in which case the minimum will be 30 feet.
(C) Lot area: minimum of 7,500 square feet, plus 2,000 more for each dwelling unit over one.
(D) Lot width: minimum of 75 feet.
(E) Lot depth: minimum of 100 feet.
(F) Building height: maximum of 40 feet.
(G) Dwelling: minimum of 20 feet width and on foundation.
(H) Street frontage: minimum of 25 feet on a street other than an alley.
(I) Parking: minimum of one and one-half off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit for multi-family over two units.
(J) Screening: garbage pickup areas and other unsightly service features should be screened.
(K) Alley set-back: minimum of ten feet from the right of way.
(Ord. 75, passed 12-27-1990; Ord. 144, passed 10-9-2023)