(A)   Statement of purpose. Individuals and businesses engaged in the operation of a winter maintenance business for the private operation of a snowplowing service or the use of or storage of salt or other deicing materials, or to assist others in the same for the purpose of managing ice and snow from private roadways, parking areas and sidewalks and on commercial, industrial, institutional, office, multi-family and private single-family residential dwellings are encouraged to become a smart salt certified applicator.
   (B)   Deicer storage requirements. Proper salt storage practices are required at commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities in accordance with the effective Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's general permit to discharge stormwater associated with small municipal separate storm sewer systems. The following requirements apply to all designated salt bulk storage areas at commercial and industrial zoned facilities:
      (1)   Salt storage areas must be fully covered or indoors.
      (2)   Salt storage areas must be located on an impervious surface.
      (3)   Practices must be implemented to reduce exposure when transferring material in designated salt storage areas (e.g., sweeping, diversions, and/or containment).
(Ord. 582, passed 6-10-24)