The following types of signs do not require a permit as long as they comply with the general sign standards set forth in § 152.20. Some additional restrictions may apply and are herein described.
   (A)   Governmental signs. Signs erected by the city or other governmental agency (school district) identifying and/or informing residents and visitors of the location of municipal and other public buildings, as well as signs advertising the city. The square footage and height of any such sign shall not exceed the dimensions outlined for signage in the Central Business District, and all relevant setback requirements for the district shall be followed.
   (B)   House/name/address signs. Identification signs, clearly displaying street addresses of properties, not to exceed two square feet in area for each dwelling unit. For the benefit of emergency and delivery personnel, house numbers must be written in numeric symbols of at least four inches in height. The numbers must be placed in such a way as to be clearly visible from the street. The best location is on the home itself.
   (C)   Legal notices. Legal notices, danger and other such temporary, emergency or non-advertising signs as may be approved by the City Building Official.
   (D)   Noncommercial opinion or expression signs. One sign is allowed on any property, with the consent of the property owner; provided that it is not an illuminated sign, it does not exceed four square feet, it is erected and maintained in accordance with § 152.20, and it is not otherwise prohibited by city ordinances.
   (E)   Religious/patriotic signs. Decorations connected with civic, patriotic or religious holidays.
   (F)   Incidental signs. Incidental signs, provided that they are limited to less than four square feet in area.
   (G)   Outdoor product price signs. Such signs are allowed provided that they are contained in a freestanding low profile (less than four feet in height) display, and each sign is no larger than one square foot in area. This applies only to products displayed for sale or dispensed outdoors.
   (H)   Temporary signs. Temporary signs are allowed as follows:
      (1)   Garage or rummage sale signs. Garage or rummage sale signs are allowed on the day of the sale only and must be removed within 24 hours of the conclusion of the sale. The signs may be placed on the premises of the sale or on other privately-owned property with the permission of the property owner. No signs shall be affixed to utility poles, traffic signs or other vertical surfaces in the public right-of-way.
      (2)   Construction signs. Contractor signs are allowed on any property where a building permit has been issued. The sign area of such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in the aggregate for single residential lots and 30 square feet in the aggregate for multiple residential lots or a residential subdivision. Signs shall be removed upon building completion.
      (3)   Political signs. Portable and freestanding campaign signs of any size are allowed pursuant to M.S. § 211B.045 from the period August 1 through ten days after the election. Freestanding campaign signs may be installed only upon private property with the permission of the property owner who shall be responsible for removal thereof. The candidate or his agents shall be held responsible for any improperly placed or otherwise illegal campaign signs.
      (4)   Portable signs. Portable signs are allowed for up to 20 days in one location provided they: are less than 36 square feet on each face; are placed on private property; do not obstruct the view of motorists; are either not externally illuminated or, if internally illuminated, are not operated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; and comply with all other parameters of the sign chapter.
      (5)   Real Estate signs. Temporary freestanding or wall signs for the purpose of selling or leasing individual lots or entire buildings; provided that such signs shall not exceed nine square feet in area for single residential lots and 32 square feet in area for multiple residential lots, residential subdivisions or commercial and industrial property. Only one such freestanding or wall sign is permitted for each property. The sign must be removed within ten days following the lease or sale. Temporary freestanding off-site real estate signs announcing an "open house" or similar activity for the purpose of showing or displaying a home for sale are permitted provided that: the off-site sign is located on privately-owned residential property and there is no objection to the display of the sign on the part of that property owner, the off-site sign is displayed only during the time of the "open house" or showing, and the size of the off-site sign does not exceed six square feet in area.
      (6)   Sidewalk signs. One sidewalk sign per business location is allowed in all but residential districts. Sidewalk signs must not exceed six square feet in area, may not take up more than one quarter of the sidewalk area and must be made of weatherproof material. A sidewalk sign may only be displayed during normal working hours of the business being advertised.
      (7)   Special promotion, event and grand opening signs. Signs, streamers, pennants or banners temporarily displayed to advertise special promotions, sales, events and grand openings shall be permitted for nonresidential uses in a residential district, and in all commercial and industrial districts subject to the following limitations:
         (a)   Such signs shall be permitted only on the premises of the event, sale or grand opening;
         (b)   Any sign remaining for an uninterrupted period of more than 60 days, or erected more than two times per year, shall be considered a permanent sign, and will require a permit. Businesses with frequent promotions are encouraged to use permanently installed changeable copy signs;
         (c)   The total area of all such signs shall not exceed four square feet in any residential district, and 20 square feet in the central business, commercial or industrial districts;
         (d)   All such signs or banners shall be securely fastened to walls, to the ground or to other fixed surfaces so that they remain in place, in good repair, for the duration of the event, sale or promotion. Temporary window signs are permitted if they are fastened to, or set against, the interior of the window.
      (8)   Seasonal lighting and/or displays.
   (I)   Traffic signs. All official traffic signs legally erected by, pursuant to and consistent with Federal Highway regulations and the laws and regulations of the State of Minnesota and/or the City of La Crescent.
(Ord. 497, passed 8-10-15; Am. Ord. 531, passed 3-25-19)