With prior approval of the City Council, property owners may divide the ownership of two-family dwellings so that each unit may be owned separately only in accordance with this section.
   (A)   Yards required. Side yards for interior common boundaries of two-family dwellings may be zero. INTERIOR COMMON BOUNDARY shall mean the boundary between individual units of a two-family dwelling.
   (B)   Sewer connections. Two-family dwellings must have separate sanitary sewer connections according to city code. The sewer service shall be separate to the property line for each dwelling unit. The sewer service may be combined in one sewer at the right-of-way line, with connections to be on public right-of-way. All pipes shall be sized in accordance with IEPA regulations and cleanouts shall be installed at the right-of-way line. This section shall apply only to two-family dwellings constructed after January 1, 2001.
   (C)   Applicability of code. Except as specifically modified in this section, all requirements of the applicable zoning district and of the city code as a whole shall apply to zero lot line developments.
(Ord. 2006-15, passed 8-14-2006)