The following regulations shall apply in all I-1 Districts.
(A) Uses permitted.
(1) All uses permitted in a C-3 District, except residential uses;
(2) Wholesale storage and warehouse facilities;
(3) Lumber, wood, feed or other similar storage yards, but not salvage yards, coal yards or junk yards;
(4) Saw mills, planning mills and flour or gain mills;
(5) Bottling works, steam laundries, dry cleaning plants, blacksmith shops;
(6) Yards, docks and transfer points for motor freight;
(7) Uses of a light manufacturing nature, employing electricity or other unobjectionable motive power, utilizing hand labor or unobjectionable machinery or processes, and free from any objectionable odors, fumes, dirt, vibration or noise. Such uses shall not be established without an application for a permit which shall be accompanied by evidence indicating that every reasonable provision will be taken to eliminate or minimize gas fumes, odors, dirt, vibration or noise. Such application for permits shall be approved by the Zoning Enforcing Officer only in the event that the evidence accompanying the application indicates that the operation of such uses will not be obnoxious or offensive. In the event of denial of such permit, an application shall have a right of appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals, in accordance with the procedure hereinafter set forth in this chapter
; and
(8) Solar farm.
(a) A solar voltaic power array for the commercial generation and distribution of electricity for wholesale or retail sales shall be allowed in I-1 Districts only upon application for a special use permit filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals, which shall conduct a hearing on the application with such notice as may be required by statute. After the hearing, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall vote to recommend or not recommend to the City Council the issuance of a special use permit. Any application which fails to receive the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall not be approved by the City Council except by a favorable majority vote of all Aldermen then holding office.
(b) The requirements of divisions (B) floor area ratio, and (D) automobile storage or parking space shall not apply to this division (A)(8) solar farms. All solar farms must be secured by a permanent fence.
(B) Floor area ratio. The floor area ratio on a lot shall not exceed 2.0.
(C) Yards required. Yards of the following minimum depths shall be provided.
(1) Front yard: not less than 25 feet.
(2) Side yard: not less than ten feet.
(3) Rear yard: not less than 25 feet.
(D) Automobile storage or parking space. Adequate off-street parking in accordance with the provisions of § 153.093.
(Ord. passed 2-25-1960; Ord. 2018-5, passed 7-9-2018)