The following regulations shall apply in all R-4 Districts.
(A) Uses permitted.
(1) Agriculture, but not including the disposal or feeding of garbage, and provided that no poultry or livestock shall be housed or confined within 100 feet of any dwelling except that of the owner or lesser of the tract;
(2) Trailer courts, (mobile homes), provided that the water and sanitary facilities furnished conform to the requirements of the State Health Department;
(3) Restaurants;
(4) Service stations; and
(5) Tourist courts and motels.
(B) Floor area ratio. Shall not exceed 0.3.
(C) Required area.
(1) Lot area per dwelling. There shall be provided a minimum of 1,250 square feet of the lot area for each trailer.
(2) Lot width. There shall be provided a lot width of not less than 25 feet.
(D) Yards required.
(1) Front yards: there shall be provided a front yard of not less than ten feet.
(2) Side yards: there shall be provided two side yards each of which shall be at least eight feet in width, except that trailers shall be a minimum of 25 feet from a public street and ten feet from any property line.
(3) Rear yards: there shall be provided a rear yard of not less than ten feet in depth.
(E) Signs. To identify the mobile homes one sign which may be illuminated.
(F) Automobile storage or parking space.
(1) The total area of the mobile home including accessory uses shall have not less than 3,000 square feet for each trailer coach. Gravel, crushed rock or other improved surface roadway shall be installed to furnish access to each mobile home site; parking area off the public right-of-way shall be furnished at the rate of one parking space for each trailer unit.
(2) Regulations for non-trailer coach uses shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 153.093.
(Ord. passed 2-25-1960)