(A)   Any license issued for an adult use may be revoked or suspended by the Mayor and City Council if it finds:
      (1)   The licensee has violated any of the provisions of this chapter regulating adult uses; or
      (2)   The licensee has knowingly furnished false or misleading information or withheld relevant information on any application for any license or permit required by this chapter or knowingly caused or suffered another to furnish or withhold such information on his or her behalf.
   (B)   The licensee shall be responsible for the acts of his or her agents, servants and employees; provided, however, that in the case of a first offense by a licensee where the conduct was solely that of an employee, the penalty shall not exceed a suspension of 30 days if the city finds that the licensee had no actual or constructive knowledge of such violation and could not by the exercise of due diligence have had such actual or constructive knowledge.
   (C)   The city, before revoking or suspending any license, shall give the licensee at least ten days’ written notice of the charges against him or her.
   (D)   The licensee may, within five days of receipt of said notice, request a public hearing at which time the licensee may present evidence bearing upon the decision.
   (E)   Any notice to licensee may be delivered personally to the licensee or be posted on the premises where the adult use is located.
(Ord. 2011-6, passed 7-11-2011)