When a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning District and development plan receive approval after secondary review, the owner and developer shall enter into implementation of the development, according to the terms of the conditions established as part of the development plan. Any subsequent change or addition to an approved development plan shall be submitted for approval to the Secondary Review Authority and, if in the Secondary Review Authority’s opinion, such change or addition is not substantial, it may approve the change. If such change or addition is construed to be substantial, a public hearing shall be held prior to such approval. Failure to comply with the development requirements, conditions and regulations as established and as specifically made applicable to a development plan shall be cause for termination of the approval for the project. At least ten days notice shall be given to the owner and developer to appear before the Secondary Review Authority and answer any such charge of noncompliance.
(Am. Ord. 1996-18, passed 11-18-96)