   Whenever a complaint is made to the President that any theatrical or any other exhibition or any public show or performance made, had or conducted under a license has been made, had or conducted in an indecent or improper manner, he or she shall, forthwith, summon the person to whom the license was granted to appear and show cause why the same should not be revoked or suspended. If on hearing of such complaint the President shall be satisfied the same was true, he or she may by order entered on his or her docket, revoke or suspend the license, as in his or her discretion he or she may deem proper. The President shall notify the Board or any such order. Any license holder whose license has been revoked or suspended by the president shall have the right to appeal as is provided by law to a court of competent jurisdiction.
(`77 Code, § 44.06)
§ 110.100 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   MERCHANDISE. Includes but is not limited to, any tangible personal property such as goods, wares or produce; any intangible property such as insurance policies, securities, service contracts, subscriptions, memberships, tickets, food vendors and the like; or any personal services of labor to be provided other than as an employee of the person solicited.
   TRANSIENT MERCHANTS. Any person or business entity who offers for sale within the town any merchandise, except for those exempt in § 110.110, that does not maintain a fixed and permanent established place of business within the town.
(`77 Code, § 45.05) (Am. Ord. 2020-4, passed 6-15-20)
   (A)   No transient merchants (wholesale or retail) in goods, wares, food services, or merchandise shall offer the same for sale in any vehicle or otherwise in the town or go from house to house in the town and offer for sale any goods, wares, food or merchandise to persons not dealers in such commodities, for either present or future delivery, without having first obtained a license.
   (B)   No transient merchants shall offer for sale on any street or public place within the town any goods, wares, food items or merchandise or by attracting persons to purchase any goods, wares, food items or merchandise by placards, or signs or otherwise, without first obtaining a license.
(`77 Code, § 45.01) (Am. Ord. 2020-4, passed 6-15-20)
§ 110.102 LICENSING FEE.
   The license fee shall be:
   (A)   Twenty-five dollars for one day;
   (B)   Forty dollars for two consecutive days;
   (C)   Fifty dollars for three consecutive days;
   (D)   One hundred dollars for one month; or
   (E)   Two hundred fifty dollars for one calendar year.
(`77 Code, § 45.02) (Ord. 2016-8, passed 11-21-16; Am. Ord. 2020-4, passed 6-15-20)