A. Care Required: It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian of any animal to refuse or fail to provide such animal with sufficient wholesome and nutritious food, water, veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, humane care and treatment, or to unnecessarily expose any such animal to intolerably hot, stormy, cold or inclement weather without adequate shelter.
B. Abandonment: No owner or custodian of any animal shall abandon such animal on any street, road, highway or public place, or on private property when not in the care of another responsible person.
C. Transporting In Vehicles: No person shall transport or carry, on any public road or highway, any animal in a motor vehicle, unless the animal is safely enclosed within the vehicle or protected by a cab or contained, secured cage, cross tether, harness or other device that will prevent the animal from falling from or being thrown from or jumping from the vehicle.
D. Unattended Vehicles: No person shall leave an animal in any unattended vehicle without adequate ventilation or security to protect the public, or in any manner as to subject the animal to extremes of temperature which adversely affect the health or welfare of the animal. (Ord. 197, 1-8-2013)