9-1-6 APPEALS:
   A.   Any determination made by City staff or authorized agents in the application and administration of this title may be appealed by an affected party, as defined by Idaho Code section 67-6521. A written appeal, containing the legal basis for the request, and accompanied by the applicable fees, shall be filed with the City Clerk within twenty eight (28) days of the final administrative determination. Once the valid appeal and fee have been filed, the item shall be scheduled for the next available City Council meeting, allowing sufficient time for meeting notice as required by the Open Meetings Law of Idaho Code title 74, chapter 2. The City Council shall allow the staff, appellant, and any affected parties to present relevant facts regarding the appeal. After the presentations, the City Council may ask questions of the parties prior to deliberation. The City Council may:
      1.   Table the matter for additional information and consideration at a specified later date.
      2.   Uphold the staff determination.
      3.   Overturn the staff determination and provide a determination of its own. The Council decision may not be contrary to Code or grant a special exception to the standards of this title.
   B.   The City Council decision shall be final and shall be accompanied by a reasoned statement explaining the criteria and standards used for making the decision. Any further recourse shall be as provided by Idaho Code. (Ord. 216, 7-11-2017)