(A) Tree planting is encouraged but in no case may trees be planted in the right-of-way of residential streets having 50 feet or less right-of-way and the covenants shall so state. Where trees within right-of-way are planned; the planting plan shall be submitted with the preliminary plat for approval.
(B) Where sites for parks, schools, playgrounds or other public uses are located within the subdivision area as shown on the Master Plan, or where such sites appear to be desirable, the Commission may request their dedication for such purposes, or their reservation for a period of one year following the date of the approval of the plat. In the event a governmental agency concerned passes a resolution expressing its intent to acquire the land so reserved, the reservation period shall be extended for an additional six months.
(C) Subdivision developments are encouraged to provide open space areas such as boulevard streets, enhanced streetscapes, community spaces, preserved natural features and other neighborhood amenities.
(Ord. 6405, passed 4-10-06)