(A)   Generally. Unless otherwise especially ordered by the Common Council, the presiding officer shall appoint the following standing committees:
      (1)   Finance.
      (2)   Public works and improvements.
      (3)   Public safety and welfare.
      (4)   Resolutions.
   (B)   Composition. Unless otherwise ordered by the Common Council, each standing committee of the Common Council shall consist of not less than three members.
   (C)   Appointments. All appointments to standing committees of the Common Council shall be made at the first meeting in January of any year, or as soon thereafter as possible, unless specifically ordered otherwise by the Common Council.
   (D)   Chairman. The first named member of each standing committee of the Common Council shall be the chairman, and in his absence or being excused by the Council, the next named member, and so on, as often as the case may happen, unless the committee by a majority of its number elect a chairman, and in case of the death of a chairman, the presiding officer shall appoint another.
   (E)   Meetings. It shall be the duty of a standing committee of the Common Council to meet on the call of any two of its members in case its chairman is absent or declines to appoint a time for such meetings.
('75 Code, §§ 2-71 through 2-75)