§ 34.01 POLICY.
   (A)   The city is charged with providing a wide variety of services equally to a broad cross-section of society, therein is committed to providing equal employment opportunity is necessary for the development and maintenance of an efficient work force and the optimum utilization of human resources.
   (B)   For these reasons, the city has adopted an equal employment opportunity policy ensuring that all employees, applicants, and citizens of our community are provided nondiscriminatory practices in all personnel actions. Additionally, ensuring that all employment opportunities, employee benefits, and compensations are equally available to all qualified persons, without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, handicap, national origin, or any other factors which cannot be lawfully used as a basis for an employment decision.
   (C)   The Common Council also establishes the city's official representative to design and implement the city's Affirmative Action Program. The official shall be called the Affirmative Action Director.
(Ord. 4868 passed 8-13-79)