For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACT. The Uniform Video Services Local Franchise Act, being Pub. Act 480 of 2007, being M.C.L.A. § 484.3301 and following, as amended from time to time.
   CLAIMS. The meaning set forth in § 90.065.
   FACILITIES. The lines, equipment and other facilities of a permittee which use or occupy the public right-of-way in the delivery of video services in the municipality.
   FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. The franchise agreement entered into or possessed by a video service provider with the municipality as required by § 3(1) of the Act, if it is the standardized, uniform form of franchise agreement established by the MPSC.
   MANAGER. The municipality's Supervisor or his or her designee.
   METRO ACT. The Metropolitan Extension Telecommunications Rights-of-Way Oversight Act, being Pub. Act 48 of 2002, being M.C.L.A. §§ 484.3101 et seq., and following.
   METRO ACT PERMIT. A permit to use the public right-of-way issued by the municipality under its ordinance implementing the Metro Act after a provider's application for same to the municipality as set forth in this chapter.
   METRO AUTHORITY. The same meaning as "Authority" in the Metro Act.
   MPSC. The Michigan Public Service Commission, and shall have the same meaning as the term "Commission" in the Act and the Metro Act.
   MUNICIPALITY. Kochville Township.
   PERMITTEE. A video service provider with a currently valid franchise agreement, but without a currently valid Metro Act permit. Upon applying to the municipality for and then obtaining a Metro Act permit from the municipality, a video service provider is not a PERMITTEE and is no longer required to comply with this chapter. A video service provider is also not a PERMITTEE and is not required to comply with this chapter if it and the municipality enter into a voluntary franchise agreement, as described in § 90.007.
   PERSON. An individual, corporation, association, partnership, governmental entity or any other legal entity.
   PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. The same meaning as in the Act.
   STREET CONSTRUCTION and STREET RESURFACING. The meanings set forth in § 90.047.
   VIDEO SERVICE. The same meaning as in the Act.
   VIDEO SERVICE PROVIDER. The same meaning as in the Act.
(Ord. 08-02, passed 4-15-2008)