(A)   This section shall be known as the "Hook Up or Connection Charge Ordinance for Water District No. 5", and any subdivisions thereof. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum and uniform costs and charges for the privilege of hook up or tapping into the township water supply system, and to promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare and safety of the public, and the protection of the water supply system of the township.
   (B)   The legal description of Water District No. 5, Special Assessment District, shall be as described in the resolution confirming the special assessment roll, dated 8-21-1995, and shall be all of the lands and parcels set forth in the resolution, and Appendix A and Appendix B and all of the exhibits attached to the resolution.
   (C)   The following cost connection charges or tap-in fees shall be made for a water service connection of the township water supply system known and referred to as Water Supply District No. 5, and any subdivisions thereof.
      (1)   The following shall apply to all owners of real property, listed as such, in the assessment roll, dated 8-21-1995. As to all owners of property as listed in the assessment roll, dated 8-21-1995, who were not assessed for the water supply facilities to be constructed, and who make application to have a parcel of real property, listed in the assessment roll dated 8-21-1995, or any split therefrom connected to the water supply system, shall pay an assessment and fees as follows: as to all parcels of land within Water Supply District No. 5, which were not assessed in the assessment roll dated 8-21-1995, or any splits therefrom, shall be required to pay a connection fee of $8,000, plus a tap-in fee of $1,500, plus interest on any unpaid balance or installments at 7% per annum until paid.
      (2)   The following shall apply to all owners of real property, other than as referred to in division (C)(1) above: as to all owners of property, who were not listed as owners of the assessment roll, dated 8-21-1995, and which parcels, were not assessed for water supply facilities, and as to any splits from a parcel of property, listed in the assessment roll, dated 8-21-1995, which was assessed for water supply facilities, shall pay an assessment or fees as follows.
         (a)   Residential assessments. A parcel of real property upon which there is a residential structure, of less than four residential units, shall be assessed, or a connection fee paid of $7,500, plus an additional tap-in fee of $1,000, plus interest on all unpaid installments of 7% per annum until paid.
         (b)   Assessment for all other uses. A parcel of real property used and utilized for commercial, business or institutional use, and for residential uses exceeding four residential units, shall pay an assessment of $7,500, plus a tap-in fee of $1,000, for a two-inch line or less and for a line that exceeds two inches, an assessment of $7,500, plus a square of the radius of the water line times $1,000, plus interest on all unpaid installments of 7% per annum until paid.
      (3)   The connection or tap-in charges as set forth herein may be spread over a period of 20 years. Any owner, person or party who shall not pay cash for a connection or tap-in fee, shall be required to sign a contract agreement to be prepared by the township; providing, in part, that the unpaid installments shall become a lien on the property to which the water line connection is made. All unpaid installments of special assessments shall bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum. The township has determined that the charges set forth herein shall be paid, or an agreement to pay the charges shall be made before any tap into the water supply system is made or completed. The charges to be computed on the basis hereinbefore set forth shall apply to all parcels of land split from a previously assessed parcel, or to a parcel that was not previously assessed, or to any parcel that was in Pub. Act 116 of 1975, that was not fully and completely assessed for a water line connection in the assessment roll or assessment rolls, as finally revised and confirmed.
   (D)   This section shall be given immediate effect, upon the publication thereof, inasmuch as it pertains to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the township.
(Ord. 95-1-W, passed 8-21-1995)