(A)   No non-conformity shall be enlarged upon, expanded or extended (including extension of hours of operation) unless the alteration is in full compliance with all requirements of this chapter. Normal maintenance and incidental repair of a legal non-conformity shall be permitted; provided that, this does not violate another section of this subchapter.
   (B)   Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to prevent restoring a structure to a safe condition in accordance with an order of a public official who is charged with protecting the public safety and who declares a structure to be unsafe and orders its restoration to a safe condition; provided that, the restoration is not otherwise in violation of the various provisions of this section prohibiting the repair or restoration of partially damaged or destroyed structure or signs.
   (C)   No non-conformity shall be moved in whole or in part, for any distance whatsoever, to any other location on the same or any other lot unless the entire structure shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located after being moved, unless changes are being made to the site in conformance with other sections of this part.
   (D)   No use, structure or sign which is accessory to a principal non-conforming use or structure shall continue after the principal use or structure shall have ceased or terminated, unless it shall thereafter conform to all regulations of this chapter.
   (E)   Any lawful non-conforming use damaged by fire, explosion, an act of God or by other causes may be restored, rebuilt or repaired; provided that, the reconstruction or restoration work does not increase the gross floor area or value of the structure to more than that which is permitted in other sections of this part.
(Ord. 06-14-Z, passed 10-3-2006; Ord. 06-14, passed 10-17-2006)