Prior to submitting a formal application for a site plan review for a residential project developed in conjunction with this chapter, the applicant must meet for an initial consultation with the Township Zoning Administrator and/or designee to discuss the site and the proposed number of dwelling units. Further, the applicant is strongly encouraged to consult with the township throughout the development of the site so as to reduce the potential for large changes later in the plan. All open space developments are required to submit the following information, in addition to all the requirements of § 155.331(B).
   (A)   Inventory and site analysis. To assist the Planning Commission with determining whether the applicant has met the intent and purpose of this chapter, the initial application for any development shall include an inventory and site analysis of the parcel. This inventory and site analysis shall include: an inventory of all significant natural features on site, identified on a site plan. These significant natural features should include: trees greater than eight inches in diameter when measured five feet above grade;
   (B)   Wetland areas;
   (C)   Areas of wildlife habitat;
   (D)   Other areas as determined by the township; and
   (E)   A narrative review of the site, detailing the following specific items:
      (1)   A review of the site as in existence now including:
         (a)   Any water bodies;
         (b)   Any significant geologic or water features;
         (c)   Any significant woodlots or natural habitat;
         (d)   Surrounding land uses; and
         (e)   Existing road system surrounding the proposed development.
      (2)   A detailed rationale explaining how the proposed project meets the intent and purpose of this chapter, including:
         (a)   Efforts made to retain existing vegetation;
         (b)   How the site was designed so as to minimize infrastructure and pavement; and
         (c)   Detailed information and explanation of the property to remain in open space and a plan for its management and on going maintenance.
(Ord. 06-14-Z, passed 10-3-2006; Ord. 06-14, passed 10-17-2006)