(A) The use of shared access, parking lot connections and service drives in conjunction with driveway spacing is intended to preserve traffic flow along thoroughfares and minimize traffic conflict, while retaining reasonable access to the property. Where noted above, or where the Planning Commission determines that restricting new access points or reducing the number of existing access points may have a beneficial impact on traffic operations and safety while preserving the property owner's right to reasonable access, then access from a side street, a shared driveway, a parking lot connection or service drive connection to the arterial or collector street may be required.
(B) However, where traffic safety would be improved, and the driveway spacing requirements of this chapter can be met, then direct connection to the arterial or collector street may be allowed in addition to a required service drive.
(1) In particular, shared access, service drives or at least a connection between abutting land uses may be required in the following cases:
(a) Where the driveway spacing standards of this section within this chapter cannot be met;
(b) Where recommended in the M-84 access management plan and map;
(c) When the driveway could potentially interfere with traffic operations at an existing or planned traffic signal location;
(d) The site is along a collector or arterial street with high traffic volume or along segments experiencing congestion or a relatively high number of crashes;
(e) The property frontage has limited sight distance; and
(f) The Fire or Emergency Services Department recommends a second means of emergency access.
(2) In areas where frontage roads or rear service drives are recommended, but adjacent properties have not yet developed, the site shall be designed to accommodate a future road/facility designed according to the standards cited in this chapter. The Planning Commission may approve temporary access points where a continuous service drive is not yet available and a performance bond or escrow is accepted to assure elimination of temporary access when the service road is constructed. (See §§ 155.135 through 155.138.)
(Ord. 06-14-Z, passed 10-3-2006; Ord. 06-14, passed 10-17-2006)