(A)   Surface material. Off-street parking, loading and circulation areas for all uses shall be surfaced with a material that shall provide a durable, smooth and dustless surface; and shall be graded and provided with adequate drainage to dispose of all collected surface water; and if surfaced with concrete or asphalt, shall conform to the following, with either:
      (1)   Six inches of portland cement concrete;
      (2)   Two inches of asphalt surface laid over a base of crushed stone with a compacted thickness of six inches;
      (3)   Paving with permeable, interlocking concrete pavement system, as approved by the Township Zoning Administrator;
      (4)   Except that for the following, parking spaces, strips or aprons can be asphalt, concrete or six of stone mix or gravel, which must be maintained and clearly defined:
         (a)   Single-family dwellings; and
         (b)   Accessory uses customarily associated with farming, including roadside stands and private stables and the like.
      (5)   All parking lots must be curbed. In certain cases, a slotted curb design may be permitted in order to direct runoff away from parking areas into adjacent landscaped infiltration areas.
   (B)   Accessible parking. The number, layout and design of accessible parking spaces shall comply with the requirements of the State Building Code.
   (C)   Marking required.
      (1)   The property owner shall delineate car stalls, directional arrows and crosswalks within parking areas using paint or other methods approved by the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Any time restriping is done in a parking lot; the spaces shall be delineated by double striping. Where a parking lot has less than 25 spaces, a waiver from the required double striping may be given by the Zoning Administrator where the applicant can demonstrate the need for the number of existing spaces and shared parking is not available; or additional parking is necessary to meet the parking demand for a specified use.
      (3)   In addition, when a site is redeveloped, repaired, or improved, the lot shall be restriped to conform to the parking stall and isle requirements described below, except that repairs in access isles and in parking lots where less than 25% of the parking stalls are affected would not require double striping.
   (D)   Parking stalls and aisle requirements. Off-street parking shall be designed in conformance with these standards (also see the following illustrations).
      (1)   Each parking space shall be a minimum of ten feet wide and 18 feet in length.
      (2)   Aisle requirements are as follows:
Angle of Parking
One-Way Aisle
Two-Way Aisle
0 degrees (parallel)
12 ft.
24 ft.
30 degrees
12 ft.
24 ft.
45 degrees
13 ft.
24 ft.
60 degrees
18 ft.
24 ft.
90 degrees (perpendicular)
24 ft.
24 ft.
      (3)   All parking spaces shall be delineated by double striping along the sides (see illustration below).
      (4)   Angled parking is strongly encouraged. Where a site can demonstrate the need for 90-degree parking, it shall be considered by the Zoning Administrator for applicability.
   (E)   Driveways.
      (1)   Entrances and exits. Adequate ingress and egress to the parking areas by means of clearly marked and limited drives shall be provided. Drives for ingress and egress to parking areas shall not be less than 22 feet in width. Further, these entrances shall be at least 25 feet from any adjacent lot or parcel. These requirements for off-street parking shall not be applicable to one- and two-family residential lots.
      (2)   Combined driveway. The owners of adjoining properties shall provide combined driveways wherever practical. In conjunction with approval of a development, the township may require a property owner to provide an access and circulation easement to an abutting owner where joint access is reasonable to serve future development.
      (3)   Management plans. All projects located along M-84 and Tittabawassee Road must also meet the adopted access management plans.
      (4)   Driveway dimensions. Internal circulation driveways that do not provide direct access to parking stalls must be a minimum of 20 feet wide for two-way traffic and five feet wide for one-way traffic unless otherwise specified by the Zoning Administrator or by the Fire Marshal.
   (F)   Loading space. A property owner shall provide an off-street loading space that can access a street. The number and size of loading spaces must be equal to the maximum number and size of vehicles that would be simultaneously loaded or unloaded in connection with the business conducted on the property.
      (1)   Standard requirement. Each loading space must be a minimum of ten feet wide and 55 feet long. Where a loading space is adjacent to an arterial, the property owner shall provide an additional 40 feet maneuvering length.
      (2)   Reduction. The Zoning Administrator may reduce required stall length and maneuvering length if the property owner demonstrates that known delivery vehicles can park and maneuver within the proposed loading and maneuvering spaces so that no part of a vehicle using or maneuvering into the loading space projects into a public right-of-way, access easement or private road.
      (3)   Waiver. If the property owner demonstrates that the development has and will have no loading needs, the Zoning Administrator may waive the requirements of divisions (F)(1) through (F)(3) herein.
   (G)   Drive-through facility stacking lanes. A property owner proposing a drive-through facility shall provide seven stacking spaces for each drive-though station in addition to the parking required by this section. Each lane of stacking space must be at least nine feet wide and must be delineated with pavement markings. Each stacking space must be at least 12 feet long; however, individual spaces within the lane may not be delineated with pavement markings. Stacking lanes may not be located within required driveway, internal circulation drive or parking aisle widths.
   (H)   Grade separation protection. Where a parking area, service yard or other vehicle area slopes or has a drop-off grade separation, the property owner shall install a wall, railing or other barrier which will prevent a slow-moving or driverless vehicle from escaping the area and which will prevent pedestrians from walking over drop-off edges.
   (I)   Lots adjoining residential districts. Off-street parking on lots adjoining or within a residential district shall in addition conform with the following requirements.
      (1)   Non-commercial vehicles may be parked in any part of the required side or rear yard, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
      (2)   Lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so located and arranged as to direct light away from the adjoining premises.
      (3)   Where the required parking area of three spaces or more is within 40 feet of an adjoining residential district or lot, the parking area shall be no closer to any side or rear property line than ten feet and within the ten-foot strip, either of the following shall be established:
         (a)   A planting strip ten feet in width approved by the Zoning Administrator. The planting strip shall not be less than five feet in height and shall consist of a sufficiently dense plant material to screen the parking and shall be adequately maintained;
         (b)   A solid masonry wall or uniformly treated wood fence not less than five feet in height or greater than eight feet in height; and/or
         (c)   The wall or planting strip shall be of a length as the width or length of the parking area.
   (J)   Solid waste collection facilities. The following rules are intended to prevent unhealthful or unsightly conditions regarding solid waste handling facilities. These rules apply to any solid waste container large enough to require a mechanical device to empty it.
      (1)   Enclosure. Each container must be located in an enclosure which is screened on at least three sides by a masonry wall at least one and one-half feet higher than the container or containers. The enclosure shall further have an opaque gate which shall remained closed when not in use. The enclosure itself shall provide for an entrance for access by employees, separate of the gate itself.
      (2)   Paving. The enclosure and an approach area for trucks shall be paved with reinforced concrete not less than nine inches thick.
      (3)   Location. The enclosure and container shall be so situated that trucks collecting waste from the container shall not conflict with the orderly flow of traffic onto or through the parcel or any parking spaces thereon. The enclosure or container shall be located so that trucks collecting waste will not block any portion of a public street or alley.
      (4)   Failure. Failure to provide and/or maintain the facility and adequately control the trash and debris typically associated with a facility will be deemed a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 06-14-Z, passed 10-3-2006; Ord. 06-14, passed 10-17-2006; Ord. 12-001, passed 2-21-2012; Ord. 17-05, passed 6-19-2017) Penalty, see § 155.999