(A)   Downtown Development Authority expansion. Pursuant to the provisions of, and under the authority of, Pub. Act 197 of 1975, as amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.1651 through 125.1680, there is hereby created an expanded area to the existing Downtown Development Authority district created hereby.
   (B)   Boundaries.
      (1)   Boundary area of the original Downtown Development Authority district and development area #2; original downtown development authority district. Point of beginning - Southwest corner of Section 35, Kochville Township, Saginaw County, Michigan, thence northerly along west line of Section 35, to the West half corner of Section 35, thence Easterly along east and west half line of Section 35 to the east line of Section 35, thence continue easterly along the east and west half line of Section 36 to the centerline of Highway 1-675, thence southwesterly along the centerline of Highway 1-675 to the west line of Section 36, thence continue southwesterly along the centerline of Highway 1-675 to the south line of Section 35, thence westerly along the south line of Section 35 to the point of beginning.
      (2)   Downtown Develop Authority expanded area. See "Exhibit B", attached to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein by reference.
   (C)   Map of the district. A map showing the existing original district and the expanded area is attached as "Exhibit A" and incorporated by reference herein.
   (D)   Expanded area not subject to two-mill levy until public hearing is held.
      (1)   On 8-22-2003, the Township Downtown Development Authority Board adopted Township Res. 03-20 (DDA), which requested the Township Board to conduct a public hearing with regard to the Downtown Development Authority being allowed to levy two-mill on all real property located within the boundaries of the Downtown Development Authority District as allowed pursuant to M.C.L.A. § 125.1662 for a period of three years.
      (2)   On 9-16-2003, the Township Board held a public hearing to discuss imposing a two-mill levy in the Downtown Development Authority district as allowed pursuant to M.C.L.A. § 125.1662. As a result of the comments expressed at the public hearing, the Township Board passed Res. 03-21 (DDA) during its regular meeting, which imposed a levy of ad valorem tax on the real property, not exempt by law, located in the Downtown Development Authority district that was in effect on 9-16-2003, for a period of three years.
      (3)   To ensure that every citizen, taxpayer and business owner in the township is treated equally and to ensure that the township affords each citizen, taxpayer and business owner the same procedural steps before imposing a millage, the township will not impose any millage in the expanded area, as defined by this subchapter, until the Township Board has held a public hearing to allow the citizens, taxpayers and business owners of the township an opportunity to express any concerns and comments with regard to the millage.
   (E)   Appeal of property designation. The Township Board of Review is the sole remedy for any person whose property is currently being assessed the 2-mill levy, pursuant to M.C.L.A. § 125.1662, and who believes his or her land to be exempt pursuant hereto.
(Ord. 89-5 DDA, passed 4-3-1989; Ord. 04-10-DDA, passed 6-15-2004; Ord. 06-03(DDA), passed 2-21-2006)