(A)   A general description of the proposed project, including a legal description of the property or properties on which the project would be located and an anticipated construction schedule.
   (B)   A description and drawing of the proposed technology to include the type of solar panel and system, fixed mounted versus solar tracking, height of panels, number of panels, and angles of orientation.
   (C)   Applicant shall remit an application fee and an escrow deposit, in the amount specified by township policy. This schedule shall be based on the cost of the application review and may be adjusted from time to time. If a professional review of plans is required, then such costs shall be paid from the escrow deposit.
   (D)   An escrow account in the form of a cash deposit of not less than $7,500, or such other amount estimated by the Township Board, shall be set up when the applicant applies for a special use permit. The deposit shall be sufficient to cover all reasonable costs and expenses associated with the special land use zoning review and approval process, which costs can include, but are not limited to, fees of township consultants and other third-party professionals such as an attorney, community planner, and professional engineer, as well as any reports or studies which the township anticipates it may have done related to the zoning review process for the particular application. Such escrow amount shall include regularly established fees. At any point during the zoning review process, the township may require that the applicant place additional monies into the township escrow should the existing escrow amount filed by the applicant prove insufficient. If the escrow account needs replenishing and the applicant refuses to do so within 14 days after receiving notice, the zoning review and approval process shall cease until and unless the applicant makes the required escrow deposit. Any escrow amounts which are in excess of actual costs shall be returned to the applicant within 90 days of permitting process completion which includes approval of the final inspection of the SEF site, including all conditions of the site plan approval. An itemized billing of all expenses shall be provided to the applicant. The township may hire qualified professionals for each and any of the technical fields associated with the special use permit, such as, but not limited to, electrical, environment, economics, wildlife, health, and land-use.
(Ord. 23-01, passed 1-17-2023)