(a)   Each ordinance and resolution shall be read by caption only, rather than in its entirety, provided, however, that Council may require any reading to be in full by a majority vote of its members.
   (b)   Each ordinance and resolution shall be read on three different days. Council may dispense with this rule by vote of at least two thirds of its members on a separate motion for such suspension. The Clerk of Council shall enter such separate vote on the journal or minute books of Council, indicating the number of yeas and nays if the vote is other than unanimous. If a motion to suspend the rule requiring three readings is passed prior to the taking of a vote on the passage or adoption of any legislation and an amendment is offered and approved prior to the taking of such final vote, no further separate vote need be taken on suspension of the rule as to three readings. If any legislation has initially been introduced and read by caption only, then the reading of the caption of such legislation at any subsequent meeting held on any subsequent day shall constitute a further reading of such legislation. Upon the third such reading of such legislation, the same may then be passed or adopted upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of Council.
   (c)   An ordinance or resolution may contain an emergency clause declaring that the same is an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety and such clause shall contain a specific reason for such necessity and shall require the affirmative vote of five members of Council for its enactment. If an ordinance or resolution, which has been read or introduced, contains an emergency clause and such ordinance or resolution receives an affirmative vote of fewer than five, but at least a majority of the members of Council, such ordinance or resolution shall be deemed to have passed but shall not become effective immediately upon its passage or adoption. It shall, however, become effective at the earliest period allowed for nonemergency ordinances or resolutions.
(Res. 81-R-31, passed 4-6-1981; Am. Ord. 04-O-50, passed 10-18-2004)