(a)   The order of business of all Council meetings shall be as follows:
      (1)   Pledge of Allegiance;
      (2)   Roll call;
      (3)   Approval of minutes;
      (4)   Reports of department heads;
      (5)   Report of the Mayor and announcements;
      (6)   Reports of standing committees;
      (7)   Reports of special committees;
      (8)   Reading of correspondence;
      (9)   Public comments on matters not on the agenda;
      (10)   Old business (public comments on agenda items under old business);
      (11)   New business (public comments on agenda items under new business);
      (12)   Council comments;
      (13)   Continuing concerns; and
      (14)   Adjournment.
   (b)   All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided by the President of Council. A matter may be made a special order of business at a meeting with the assent of four members of Council.
   (c)   The order of business shall not be changed except with the unanimous consent of Council or by a vote for suspension of the Rules of Council.
(Res. 81-R-31, passed 4-6-1981)