Off-street parking and access drives shall be designed as follows:
   (a)   The number of vehicular turning movements should be minimized by limiting the number of access drives. Continuous access along the frontage is prohibited.
   (b)   Existing access drives must be considered when planning new access drives on adjacent property or across the street.
   (c)   Joint use of parking is encouraged. The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit parking to extend to the side or rear property line in the case of a joint parking area.
   (d)   Loading and unloading activities should not interfere with automobile access.
   (e)   Vehicular circulation is encouraged between parcels. Where possible, provisions should be made to permit circulation among parcels in the Historic Town Center, Business, and Institutional and Office Districts. (See figures below.)
   (f)   Priority should be given to safety of pedestrians and drivers.
(Ord. 11-O-1, passed 2-23-2011)