Sites shall be developed following these guidelines:
   (a)   The proposed development shall avoid or minimize land disturbance and grading and preserve the original contours and other natural topographical features of the site and existing trees on the site and shall incorporate measures to minimize soil erosion during all construction phases.
   (b)   Parking areas shall be treated to minimize the visual impact of parked cars as viewed from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties through the use of plantings and earth berms.
   (c)   In the Historic Town Center District, utility services on private property shall be placed underground for all new services.
   (d)   Where a sidewalk/bikeway does not exist in the public right-of-way abutting the applicant's property, a five-foot wide sidewalk shall be provided by the applicant. A pedestrian/bikeway connection shall occur from the building to the sidewalk/bikeway in the public right-of-way.
   (e)   Provision shall be made in the design of the development for connections with existing or future pedestrian systems on adjoining properties, including but not limited to connections to existing or planned future sidewalks, bikeways, or trail systems.
   (f)   Site features such as service entrances and loading zones shall be screened from adjacent properties and the public right-of-way and located in the side or rear of the lot.
   (g)   Mechanical equipment shall be located so as not to be visible from any public ways or adjacent residential areas. Where such limitation is not possible, the facilities shall be screened from public view with materials compatible with those used in the building.
   (h)   All trash containers and trash storage areas shall be screened with a six-foot high masonry enclosure on three sides and a solid gate on the front.
   (i)   All storage of materials and equipment shall be within enclosed buildings except for outdoor sales of plant and landscape materials in Retail Business Districts and as conditionally permitted in Limited Industrial Districts. All business activity shall be within enclosed buildings, except as permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (j)   Decorative fencing such as split rail, wrought iron or wood picket shall be permitted in the front yard and shall not be higher than four feet.
   (k)   Security fences shall not be permitted in the front building setback, in front of any building or in the side yard setback on a corner lot. Security fences must be screened from view with trees and shrubs. Chain link fencing shall not be permitted in the Historic Town Center District.
(Ord. 11-O-1, passed 2-23-2011)