No person while on the grounds of the Kirtland Recreation Park shall:
   (a)   Drive or ride any motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, an automobile, motorcycle, minibike, all terrain vehicle, snowmobile or any other motor-driven vehicle. This section does not apply to emergency vehicles or vehicles operated by employees or agents of the Park and Recreation Commission, the City or the Board of Education of the Kirtland Local School District while performing their duties;
   (b)   Be allowed to enter or remain in, or be found in, an intoxicated condition in the park; take into the park any intoxicating liquor either for sale to others or for his or her own use or the use of others; sell, give away or dispose of any intoxicating liquor; or have any alcoholic beverages in his or her possession;
   (c)   Throw stones, sticks, cans or bottles, play golf or hit golf balls, or throw or hit any other dangerous object. This subsection does not apply to the throwing or hitting of a baseball, softball, football, soccerball or other sport object when participating in an authorized sport activity;
   (d)   Write, paint, carve or deface in any manner any tree, bench or structure, or injure any tree, plant, grass, flower or structure;
   (e)   Permit any dog or other animal to run at large. All owners shall immediately clean any feces discharged by their pets and remove the same from the park property or place such feces in a proper disposal receptacle;
   (f)   Engage in any conduct in violation of § 648.04; or
   (g)   Fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any public officer.
(Ord. 85-O-38, passed 5-20-1985)