(A)   AED devices, where required, shall be installed in sufficient numbers and in locations so that an AED device shall be accessible, at a minimum, within three minutes or 500 feet maximum travel distance in the event of an emergency in accordance with the American Heart Association recommendations.
   (B)   AED devices, where required, are to be wall mounted and installed so that they are clearly visible to staff and visitors.
   (C)   The Fire Chief shall review and approve the number and installation locations for AED devices, and shall inspect the establishment to confirm the AED installation as approved prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
   (D)   The installation and maintenance of the AED device(s) and periodic training on the use of the AED device(s) shall be the responsibility of the owner. A business, institution, or other entity which is required to install AED devices shall train one or more persons in the use of an AED.
   (E)   All AED installations shall be subject to annual inspections by the Fire Chief.
   (F)   A business, institution, or other entity which is required to install AEDs can appeal to the Fire Chief for relief from this section if it can be demonstrated that an undue hardship will exist from complying with the conditions of this section.
   (G)   AED devices shall be installed in newly constructed Class 1 structures as required in this Fire Prevention Code. The intent of this Fire Prevention Code is not to require AED devices in Class 1 structures in existence prior to the adoption of this Code.