(A)   Occupancy certificates shall be applied for coincidentally with applications for zoning certificates, and shall be issued within ten working days after completion of construction and the premises inspected by the Zoning Administrator. Occupancy certificates shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator to authorize occupancy of the premises in accordance with the zoning certificates. Pending the issuance of the permanent occupancy certificate, a temporary certificate may be issued, to be valid for a period not to exceed 60 days from its date, during the completion of any addition or during partial occupancy of the premises. If the completion of any occupancy certificate is denied, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing within ten working days after he or she has been notified in writing that the premises are ready for occupancy, stating the reasons why a certificate cannot be issued.
   (B)   No occupancy certificate for a change of use in an existing structure or land improvement shall be issued until the premises have been inspected and certified by the Zoning Administrator to be in compliance with applicable requirements for the zoning district in which it is located.
   (C)   A record of occupancy certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator and copies shall be furnished, on request, to any person having proprietary or tenancy interest in the land or structure affected. A fee of $5 shall be charged for each original occupancy certificate, and $1 for each additional copy.
(1983 Code, § 9-13-4) (Ord. 09-07, passed 9-8-2009)