§ 154.075 PURPOSE.
   Business district regulations are intended to govern the locations and uses of a full range of business and commercial establishments needed to serve the village, its trade area and passers-by.
   (A)   The B-1 General Commercial District is intended to provide for the continued development of the existing principal business and shopping facilities in the village.
   (B)   The B-2 Highway Commercial District is intended to provide appropriate areas for commercial establishments which are oriented to the motoring public or which require large sites for off-street parking or the outdoor display or storage of merchandise.
   (C)   The B-3 Convenience Commercial District is intended to provide for minor shopping facilities at the edges of residential neighborhoods to provide for the day-to-day needs for goods and services. These should not be the type or magnitude to compete directly with the uses found in the B-1 District.
(1983 Code, § 9-5-1) (Ord. 09-07, passed 9-8-2009)