In each quadrant of both: every intersection of any street with a collector or arterial street as designated on the Master Plan Map, and every intersection of a collector or arterial street with a private or public driveway or accessway providing egress for a parking area of 1,000 square feet or more, there shall be designed a vision clearance of triangle or triangles bounded by the inner street lines (right-of-way), or the street line and driveway lines, as the case may be, and a line connecting them 35 feet from their intersection. Within these triangles no object shall be allowed above the height of two and one-half feet above the streets and/or driveways if it obstructs the view across the triangle. This provision shall not apply to tree trunks, posts or wire fences.
(1983 Code, § 9-1-16) (Ord. 09-07, passed 9-8-2009)