(A) In order to provide information to sellers and servers of alcoholic liquor about the effects of alcohol and drug use and abuse and to provide the necessary skill development techniques to identify and/or intervene with patron use problems thereby reducing the incidence of patron misuse, all employees or agents who sell or serve alcoholic beverages, all management personnel working on premises and anyone whose job description entails the checking of identification for the purchase of alcoholic beverages for holders of liquor licenses for bars, restaurants and for beer and wine for consumption at restaurants issued by the village shall complete Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) pursuant to a program licensed by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission pursuant to 235 ILCS 5/3-12, 235 ILCS 5/6-27 and 77 Illinois Administrative Code, Ch. XVI, Part 3500, Sec. 3500.101, et seq., as may be amended.
(B) The holders of liquor licenses as of the date of approval of this section shall provide proof of compliance with this requirement by March 1, 2017. All new applicants for a liquor license for bars, restaurants and for beer and wine consumption at restaurants shall provide proof of compliance with this section prior to being issued a license by the village.
(C) When a license holder adds a new employee who is required by this section to complete BASSET Training, the new employee shall comply with this section and proof shall be provided to the village within 30 days of commencement of employment.
(D) A photocopy of Certificates of Completion for all employees or agents who are required by the section to complete BASSET Training shall be maintained by the license holder and shall be readily available and posted in a manner which will allow inspection by the local Liquor Commissioner, the Police Chief or any designee of either of them or the State Liquor Control Commission.
(Ord. 16-09, passed 10-17-2016)